Vera Beech

Can you advise as to how to deal with my Jack Russell's excessive loss of hair.

I brush her regularly, her diet is IAMS's adult1+.

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Jul 30, 2009
by: KT

iams is not good u want to buy dog food that has meat in the begining of th ingreadiants(spelled wrong). the iam brand might be makeing that happen.

Jul 30, 2009
Iams is a bad dog food--see recommendations
by: Stefanie

a bad diet that contains grains (corn, wheat) and low quality fillers like soy and beet pulp can cause bad skin and hair.

go to and select a level 5 or 6 food. I have my dogs on a combination of Evo poultry and evo red meat. If you can't find these, the Wellness Core at Petco is a good buy. Try feeding your dog a grain free diet and see it it helps. Also, don't wash too often (maybe once every month or two months). Jacks don't seem to do well with frequent shampooing.

Someone also told me that body messages can be good for circulation and hair, just like it's good for human's scalps. You might give that a try too.

Just so you know, you won't have to feed quite as much with the Evo because it is more nutrient dense. However, it is quite flavorful, at least by my dog's opinions. They also like "Taste of the Wild" wetlands. It is also grain free, but has a more moderate protein level but isn't too low.

I hope this helps! Also, you might be interested in the Whole Dog Journal. It has lots of great advice.

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