veeda vee

by veeda
(new york city)

my 19 month old jack russell is scared of all kinds of noise - outside and inside. to the point that he snaps out of control and runs away like a mad dog when we are outside. i live in nyc and noise is everywhere. the noise of his food, paper,dishes, etc. everything. he is also not lured with any kind of treat so training him is an issue. i got him from the breeder at 3 months and he was fearful then. the vet said he might grow out of it, but he hasn't. anything i can do?

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Sep 29, 2010
My dog is doing same
by: Juan

I have a dog that is also scared of all the sounds. he loves to play but even while hes running to fetch the ball if he hears anything a car , a door, the wind shaking a tree or anything he will stop and run full speed behind my legs. Hes ears seem to be very sensitive. Is there anything i can do? any ideas? thanks

Mar 07, 2010
Move to the country!
by: Anonymous

I so love my Jack I would do almost anything for him! How could a pup be so fearful? I guess you will have to associate something he likes with the noises, like some sort of very small treat? They do have sensitive hearing, that's for sure. Do you walk the dog regularly around the sounds?

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