Two Male Jack Russels getting along???

by Robyn
(Allouez, Michigan)

Cheech and Nadine

Cheech and Nadine

I have a 2 yr. old Male Jack Russell(Cheech) who just lost his playmate Nadine (Medium size beagle/black lab mix)who died of old age. They got along great but Cheech was just a pup when introduced into our home and Nadine. I am considering getting a new playmate for Cheech. I have found a young male Jack Russell/Greyhound mix at a nearby shelter up for adoption. He looks to be the same size as Cheech and has not been neutered. Do you think they will get along or should I stay away from trying to mix 2 alpha males into the smae home? Any suggestions would be helpful.


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May 08, 2009
2 male jacks
by: Anonymous

I have a male purebred Jack and a male possible Jack/Greyhound or Boxer mix and they get along great! I used to have the Jack with a male Chow/Husky mix and they too got along well.

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