
by judy

my jack russel is very hyper and 2 1/2 years old. the last two days he has not been able to walk on his back leg and holds it straight out, now this morning he didn't even get up and i had to carry him out, his front leg on same side is stiff too. Could he had had a stroke? could it be arthritis? sorry bad speller, cant get him to vet till tomorrow. I had to carry him out to go potty and back in he is totally calm and lying not even jumping on the furniture he is a very active little guy normally. does anyone have any ideas? thanks

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Dec 27, 2010
by: judy

Max has sprain his leg and his front leg is having difficulties from over use from not being able to walk on his back leg. Couldnt take a chance on my baby so made sure and found out it wasnt as bad as I thought. thank you all. Will put pictures of my max later, he is ne hyper little guy normally, have to say my mini doxie has been laying with him and by his side since he has been down, she is only 7 months and they are very sweet together. Max is fixed so i dont have to worry about puppies, one jack russel is enough. thank you all.

Dec 27, 2010
by: Elaine (UK)

I am so sorry to hear about your little man. I have a very hyper little girl , and although they drive you mad at times, it's horrible to see them poorly. You almost wish they would be their normal irritating little dynamites, don't you?

At 2 years old, I doubt it would be arthritus. I had a dog that had a stroke, a few years ago, and she just collapsed suddenly.

I can't offer any suggestions or advice, other then to get him to the vets asap.

Please let us know how it goes. I do hope it's nothing too serious.

Dec 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

am not 100% sure what could be wrong.. but this has happened to mine before in a less drastic way but I did worry and kept my eye on her but I think she wound up spraining it while she leaped off my bed - its quite high - cause as your JRT, mine did not jump on the furniture, didn't even attempt the bed and had trouble standing up. after about 4 days she was fine. I hope its just this with your jack and not anything major....please let us know...

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