Puppies on board!

Babies on Board!!!  (It's like Where's Waldo!)

Babies on Board!!! (It's like Where's Waldo!)

My awesome JRT Lucy is pregnant with 4 pups due in about a week or so. Already we have people lining up, saying that they want one of the babes. I was looking online and, of course being the wealth of too much information that it is, I got conflicting information about at what age they can go to their new homes. I understand that they need to be done nursing and eating solid food, but other sites say that it depends on the breed - so what about JRT's? Please help out! Thanks!

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Jun 21, 2010
age of adoption
by: Anonymous

8 weeks seems fine. Emotionally JRT don't seem bothered by leaving mom at5 this age. I've heard 6 weeks too. Some breeds like Doberman's need 12 weeks. Apparently they can develope fears...JRT are by nature fearless.

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