pregnant Jack

by katy yorke
(calgary, alberta Canada)

my female jack was in heat, the my male jack mounted her four times in one week. Does this mean she is pregnant now?

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Oct 30, 2010
YES and NO!
by: ScooterMama59

Hello Katy,

If the complete connection was made (the tie) then I think you could say YES.

Now, if it wasn't then you could say NO.
Also, is this their first time for both?
I think you just might have some puppies soon, if the tie was complete.

After 30 days from when the "tie" was completed you can go to your VET for an Ultrasound and see for sure. Make sure that you mark your calendar on the last time that the "tie" was completed!
Surprise puppies have a lower survival rate then the ones you are expecting and getting ready for.

Stef, Belgium, JRT Lover from Texas!

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