our name of our jr is J.R.

by fay mcdermott
(syracuse, ny)

jr desktop

jr desktop


J.R. is like you say a true jack russell.
My only question is why he never wants to be alone.
He always wants to be with one of us all the time. Has to be next to us or laying on us if we are sitting. he even follows me to the bathroom.. Can't stand to be left out alone.
Any Help?

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May 29, 2012
back at anonymous NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Anonymous:
How funny....I guess the jr are all the same, except, Mine loves company, and no barking, howeverrrrrrrrrrrrr, one cannot leave..
JR goes crazy circling and barking.....
He must have a scew loose at birth....We laugh
He calms down, when the car leaves or he cannot see them any more.
Thanks for sharing

Feb 17, 2012
Needy! NEW
by: Anonymous

It's funny to hear others have same situations! Mine too is "up my butt" as I put it. I trip over her all day! Cooking, cleaning, coming out of shower, she even watches me "P", sleeps between my legs or in the bend of legs (if I'm on my side), she doesnt let anyone near me while I sleep either!.If I sit, she's in my lap, Even worse if I have company! I thought maybe she was just really attached to me, a needy dog.Anyone else can walk out the door no problem, I go out it and 2 block radius can hear her ear peircing bark! She's also an escape artist, her escaping is the only time shes not under my feet!

Apr 05, 2011
for Jen in Syracuse. NY
by: fay

Hi Jen
Thanks so much for your comment on our Jacks.
I really appreciated it.
I did not think anyone would send a memo, but now excited you did
Thanks again

Apr 05, 2011
by: jen

Hey Fay... how wierd.. I am from Syracuse, NY as well... MY JRT loves to have someone near her at all times as well and when she sits near you it has to be practically on top of you or in between your legs, etc. she barks when we leave for work - she use to follow me into the bathroom, but doesn't do that any more, sometimes she will sit outside the bathroom door though. She is our little shadow....

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