
by Samantha

i have a 9 week old Jack Russell puppy, she eats Purina Beta puppy food, i was just wondering, how much food do i give her and how often should i give it to her?

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Oct 05, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

Most of the time they have the serving sizes for your pup/dog on the dogfood package. Look again and it should tell you exactly what to feed your pup and it usually lists by the weight as well, if they are 12 months old.
If you threw out the package, I would suggest one cup of dry food for breakfast and one cup around 5 or 6 o'clock for dinner. Always keep fresh water out for your puppy. I usually change mine in the morning and when I feed again in the evening. If you give treats I would suggest one in the morning and one before bed. Keeping them to a minimum is important if you want your pup to eat it's food.
Absolutely no people or table scraps and NEVER bones of any type. But do consider pig ears for strenghtening your pups teeth and neck/jaw muscles. Only give the pig ears when you can watch them chew. If you leave the pup alone take up the chew. Also, NEVER put things to chew in the kennel box with pup/dog when you are gone. Pups can choke on things. Taking off the dog collar is also wise before putting in the kennel box as it can get caught on the blankets etc...
GOD bless and enjoy that pup! What a beauty!
Stef, Belgium, JRT lover!

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