My one and a half year old Jack Russell Mix dog.....

by Christie Wilson
(Phoenix, Az)

My one and a half year old Jack Russell Terrier Mix has an extremely distended belly and we aren't quite sure why. He is still eating and drinking water but we aren't sure he is defalcating on a regular basis like he should be? Any suggestions as to what this might be or what we can do to get his belly down?

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Feb 05, 2010
belly problems.
by: samantha

there are a few things that come to mind for this situation, but without seeing the dog personally i can't say for sure. try lying the dog on its back and press firmly on its tummy does it give or does it feel like a blown up balloon? also is the dog vomiting after eating or drinking good amounts? and last but not least is he/she running a fever this could also help in the diagnoses of your beloved Karma. please feel free to follow up with me at my address and to whoever says that it is neglect unless you see the owners on a daily basis you do not know the situation therefore you should not speak on the matter. but as for this being the time that you have ever seen this than yes not following up with er vet or reg vet is partial neglect sorry but true. if for any reason this is/was the side affect of a serious health issue and the result is death due to no medical attention, in some states you can be charged with animal neglect.

Dec 31, 2009
In Response to the Ignorant Individual Calling my Jack Russell Neglected....
by: Anonymous

You have some nerve calling my dog neglected. Karma is well taken care of and very well loved. We walk him daily and he gets daily exercise but that doesnt mean we trail behind him every second watching to see if he poops or not. This is something new to us that we haven't ever seen before hence the reason for asking the question. Quite obviously you are the ignorant one to respond the way you did. If u dont have any positive helpful things to say I would prefer u not answer the question at all...Its negative people like u that make this world such an ugly place.

Dec 30, 2009
neglected Jack Mix!
by: Anonymous

If you were walking the dog like you are supposed to, you would certainly know if it has a bowel movement or not! Dogs need exercise and structure and if you are going to own one, you had better hit the trail! What a silly question, otherwise you should take the dog to the vet.

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