My Jack has slowed

by Debbie

My 10 year old female Jack Russell has suddenly slowed down considerably. She doesn't get excited for her treats or her toys lately and I am really worried about her. Scared actually. She is sleeping a lot and seems to have lost her drive. Can you help? I don't know what to do...

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Nov 06, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

Hello Debbie,
Thanks for providing a picture with your question. It really helps sometimes for me to answer.
I think that your JRT is due for a 10 year check-up. When they slow down, which they all will, abit, but maybe not this much, it's time to see what's going on.
Your JRT might have bone, or stomach issues that might be need to be addressed. Our VETs can do wonders to help them get their energy and lives back on track. I would highly suggest you get her in as soon as you can.
She is a beautiful, mature JRT and she has plenty of years left to love you and yours.
Let me know how things go and if she actually had an issue or two to square away.
Also, after things get checked out and she is doing better, you might just consider getting her a younger(fixed) male to share her life with. They are so much happier and playful when they have another to play and share with.
Thanks again and please don't worry too much, as she will be fine, I'm sure.
Stef, Belgium, JRT Lover from Texas!

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