Pete my Jack Russel

by Avery
(Biloxi, Mississippi U.S.)

I got Pete for a birthday present from one of my friends. They told me he was a Jack Russell Terrier and at first I didn't believe them because of his rare color. But after looking up things, and finding out more stuff about Jack Russell's I believe it. He's not potty trained, he barks when you leave him alone, digs, and chews on EVERYTHING.

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This is Ed

by Spike
(Central Florida)

Ed is a 10 year old Jack/Maltese mix. Best dog we ever owned!

Ed is a 10 year old Jack/Maltese mix. Best dog we ever owned!

Meet Ed. He is a 13 lb Jack Russell/Maltese mix. Wonderful personality and very loving.

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Meet Zuri

Look at that smile!

Look at that smile!

Zuri is just over a year in a half old. She loves long runs in the neighborhood, dove hunting, snuggling in the bed, swimming, chasing cats & squirrels, riding in the car and much more!

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