Lucy Lou my ll month old jack russell

by susanne

she is so good and most of the time well behaved, but she seems to have a streak in her. When we are out she sometimes growls viciously at other dogs and children, runners, cars, pushchairs and bikes. This really frighten people and children and frustrates me, a I don't know how to cope with this. I apologize but this isn't enough.

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Nov 01, 2010
thank you
by: susanne

Oh Stef, thank you so much for your advice, I will do what you have said. She is lovely with me, and I love her very much. Susanne

Nov 01, 2010
Thanks for replying. I think that this ...
by: ScooterMama59

Dear Susane,
Don't give up on Lucy Lou. I have had other pups/dogs like this and sometimes, TIME is the best solution.
Don't worry about the male thing-- that actually takes place as the dog gets older. I would start by walking DAILY Lucy Lou outside where there are other dogs and children. Let the kids pet her and some of the other smaller dogs interact with her. The pros say that it takes 250 people/kids to interact with your dog for them to become socialized successfully.
I would also consider using Dove Cresswell's or another online training for JRT's and start working on Lucy Lou's listening skills.
Yes, it does take some work, but it will be worth it. I KNOW!
Thanks for replying and let me know how things go.

Oct 30, 2010
Lucy Lou
by: susane

thank you for your comment. I have taken Lucy to two puppy classes, but we have been asked to leave both after two sessions, as Lucy distracts the other dogs. She does not hear anything I say, she gets so excited with the dogs in the class, barks and tries to jump on them to play. I dont know where I could go with just male dogs, or where we could go to play.

Oct 30, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

Dear Susanne,

I would suggest that you look for a dog play group or some re-training maybe. She needs to be reintroduced to a variety of poochies.
I would start with all males for her and NO females. Especially the other female terriers.

She can relearn a positive behavior and stop this negative one.

Also, Dove Cresswell has an excellent site for this type of problem. She's on this website.
Please, let me know how things go. I know no one likes an aggressive little dog.

Stef, Belgium, JRT lover from Texas!

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