Leg Shaking

by Brittany
(Chicago, Il)

My 11 year old Jack Russell is like a puppy still and whenever he gets excited (playing catch, chasing after squirrels) his back leg shakes like crazy. Recently he does it in his front paw too. The vet said it was common but never answered what causes it. Does anyone know what it could mean? I just want to make sure he's not in any pain.

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Apr 21, 2012
Leg shaking NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi there! My 12 yrd JRT Molly Jo has had this issue ever since she was a baby puppy. The shaking has never caused her any pain and I find that if I give her leg massages when the twitching begins, the muscle will gradually go away. I believe that the shaking is just a hereditary trait of the breed. As long as you aren't noticing any other symptoms that may show that your baby is in pain or is having trouble walking or standing, then I would say that he or she is just fine. Also, this may sound funny... but my Molly Jo also gets relief from the shaking if I put a small heating pad on her legs. She enjoys the warmth and the shaking always stops.

Good Luck with you bundle of energy!!

~ Cristi

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