by Sandy

Can Jack Russell Terrier be outside dogs.

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Apr 03, 2011
Outdoor Jack?
by: Anonymous


Jan 26, 2011
by: ScooterMama

Hello Sandy in Virginia,
I am thinking about where you live. Okay, Virginia is cold and gets plenty of snow during the wintertime.

But, a JRT will get a pretty good winter coat going on, but you might consider a thermal type dogs coat as well, due to their short coat.

A shelter or dog house would be a MUST, and you can even add heat to them or a good thermal blanket for poochie.

Also, when it gets cold, to the point of freezing, you would have to make sure poochie gets fresh water twice a day.

If on the colder nights (under 30 degrees) I would recommend bringing poochie into the mudroom or a locked kennel area. JRT's are really happier outside, but do like the company of their people sometime during the day.

If your poochie likes being outside I don't see a problem, except during the winter months. I know my girl Ginger would live outside 20 hours out of the 24 if I let her!

Hope this helps,
Stef, Belgium, JRT TEXAN LOVER!

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