JRT Aging
by Lori Feagle
(Jacksonville, FL)
At what age does a Jack Rusell generally begin to show whiter hair around the eyes? My beloved Chloe who is a shortie just turned 5 and the hair around her eyes I notice has more white in it than it used to. She hasn;t really slowed down much - still swims constantly, pushes the ball around the yard with her nose and chases lizzards ( a favorite past time) Could be I am crazy and their hair changes? or could she already be showing signs of age? I would not think she should at the age of 5. Of course now i am paranoid because I had a dog who contracted Lymphoma at 4 1/2 years and right before she died ( had no symptoms until it was way too far gone) her muzzle had turned gray. I have the vet check out my JRT regularly and they do not see or notice any problems but I love this dog so much- more than any human should probably, that it concerns me. I appreciate anything you can tell me.