JRT Aging

by Lori Feagle
(Jacksonville, FL)

At what age does a Jack Rusell generally begin to show whiter hair around the eyes? My beloved Chloe who is a shortie just turned 5 and the hair around her eyes I notice has more white in it than it used to. She hasn;t really slowed down much - still swims constantly, pushes the ball around the yard with her nose and chases lizzards ( a favorite past time) Could be I am crazy and their hair changes? or could she already be showing signs of age? I would not think she should at the age of 5. Of course now i am paranoid because I had a dog who contracted Lymphoma at 4 1/2 years and right before she died ( had no symptoms until it was way too far gone) her muzzle had turned gray. I have the vet check out my JRT regularly and they do not see or notice any problems but I love this dog so much- more than any human should probably, that it concerns me. I appreciate anything you can tell me.


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Oct 02, 2015
by: Anonymous

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Jan 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

My jack russell terrier Missy just passed away last week of lymphoma after being diagnosed with it a Dec 1st. Missy just turned 13 made her appearance with the family at her last Christmas and waited for the New Year to pass last week.

May 29, 2010
JRT aging
by: china's mom

My JRT is almost 11 now and I call her my little senior citizen!!! Her little face is almost totally gray...muzzlle, eyebrows, etc..It's the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Jan 05, 2010
lymphoma in Jack Russels
by: colleen

Wondering if anyone has knowledge of the detection,treatment and expense of treatment for lymphoma in jack russels.

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