jack russell terrier mixed with toy manchester

by Nichole
(Edmonton,alberta, Canada )

Hey everyone, I have a jack Russell terrier mixed with toy Manchester. His name is Eddie and he is just the most funny dog ever! He loves when I throw his toy ball downstairs and I go and hide.. He always finds me. We can Play this game for hours! Eddie is so much like a human .. he loves to cuddle at night! The only bad thing is he barks non-stop! He Three years old. We tried the collar that sprays water at him, but he just didn't give into that. Can anyone give me some pointers that would help with his barking?

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Feb 13, 2018
Regarding barking NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a jack Russell x Manchester toy terrier and same thing. Barking a lot . My resolution was the bark collar it works great. He is very snuggly as well. But very playful during the day. He’s even in bed by 8pm. :). Good luck !

Apr 21, 2009
i love my dogs
by: Anonymous

i have two jack and manchester mixed sisters they seem to bark alot only when separated maybe you need a compainion for your lovley pet

Apr 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

I always say, NO BARKING!

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