Jack Bunny Hop?

by Emma
(Petawawa, ON, Canada)

Baby Rocky

Baby Rocky

The question, why do Jacks hop when they walk? was answered it should be checked out by the vet, I was just wondering if hopping only when he runs is still a concern? When he gets rly hyper, he hops like a rabbit when he's running. Should this be looked at?

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Apr 12, 2011
Hopping dogs
by: Anonymous

We had a Jack Russell Terrier who walked on three legs from when he was really tiny right up until he died at 16.

We had him checked over by the vet but there wasn't anything the matter with him, he just 'liked' to walk on two front legs and one back leg. It never bothered him and he could walk miles and miles with very little effort. Often we were worn out and he was ready to go out again.

Feb 02, 2011
Hope this helps
by: Anonymous

mine does that still and she is not young I think they just get so hyper that there legs wont to sneak up on something like a rabbit... these are some smart dogs.. I dont think it is any thing to be concerned about.some times when the ground is wet also mine does it then too....... hope this helps.

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