I'm Getting a Jack Russell!

by darcey

Im getting a jack russell and she is only going to be 7weeks old when i get her have you got any advice on how to train her?

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May 28, 2008
Your New Jack!
by: Anonymous

Congrats on getting a Jack. I just love the breed, and have always been up to the challenge of it. Jacks can be tricky at times, but it is like anything else. Using common sense when raising them is the key. They require lots of discipline, love, attention, and most important, lots of exercise. Letting him/her out 6 or more times a day to potty train is key too, trying to go to the same spots! Being very repetitious helps. They eventually learn your routine, but can still be very strong willed. Be strong when saying no, and mean it, so he gets it. They love their toys, so make sure they are strong ones. Using the leach when going out is a must, because when they go outside, they turn into something else. Our oldest Chase, just turned 9 years old, and can go out in the front of our house for a short time with us, but would take off after someone running, looking for attention. They do have to be monitored carefully. We have 1 ½ acres, and the back yard is all fenced, so our dogs enjoy that in the day when I take them out. Having a fenced yard can be a great thing too! Keep up the great work with the tricks. It is a smart breed, and I believe, can learn anything. Our Chase can do all of the basic tricks, sneeze, go a short time on a plastic skateboard I bought him, he can flip a small milkbone off of his nose and catch it. He understands pretty much anything we say to him. Chase I got at 4 weeks old, and Chloe I got at 4 months old, so she was really behind. Even now, she is a little harder to handle than Chase was, but coming along a little more each day. Be persistent and you will get great results. At night, we have a tricks for treats time, and that is when I’m on the floor with the dogs, doing our daily tricks for treats. I think I enjoy it more than the dogs. Good Luck!

Jan 20, 2008
by: Anonymous

crate train her first, and lots of outside potty time with lots of praise and treats outside when she goes, and she will catch on very fast. and don't forget to be the domine one in your dog pack!!!!! or they will be.

Jan 03, 2008
Best training available
by: Pics & Tics

Hi Darcey,

So sorry to be long in answering, (on vacation). But congratulations on the new Jack. You are going to be so in love!

My visitors, as well as myself, rave over Dove Cresswell's ebook. It's the best, the quickest and the easiest training I've found on the market.

The best thing is that it is a video tutorial that allows you to see and hear every nuance Dove shows one-on-one with her dogs.

You can read more about Dove by selecting "Training K9 Ebook" on the bar to the left.

This is the very best I can offer you where training your Jack is concerned. Just check out the free lessons and you'll see what I mean.

And the best of luck to you and your new Jack pup.


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