Huge Ears that Stick Up - Supposed to be Purebred


I purchased my female jack russell in Oct. 2007 and as she got older her ears grew to almost the size of her body sticking straight up. I see that there is something called Prick ears, however, hers seem even larger like a cattle dogs ears on such a small body. I bought her as a purebred and the owners claim theirs are pure bred. Could there be a throw back gene of another type of terrier in the blood line? I wanted to use her to breed with my male, but now do not want to breed them if she is not pure.

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Jul 11, 2008
Prick Ears
by: mary=harborview

Did you breed this female with the prick ears on purpose?


Jul 08, 2008
I Also Have a Prick Eared Female
by: Anonymous

I have a prick eared female although have to say ears not as big as you are describing but point being just as adorable and loony she had 6 pups all with "normal" ears (but what's normal about jacks). When you bought this pup did you see the mother and father and did they have any other types of breed that they also bred? Would really like to see a photo of her if possible.

Jun 09, 2008
Prick Ears
by: mary-harborview jrts

Hi, first of all Jack Russells are not a "purebreed", they are a "type". You can have the dam and sire with perfect ears and then have a litter with one or more having prick ears. And yes i would not breed this dog. It is not an indication that you were sold a "mixed". It happens even with the "best breeding practices". but it stops there. The prick eared dog is not bred.

Now did you purchase this puppy with a contract that says you are buying a puppy that is guaranteed to be able to be registered, shown and bred? Or did you buy with a pet puppy contract? Or did you get a breeder that just sold puppies with no contracts?

There are a lot of things that need to be researched and done to insure you get a puppy that is "breedable". The Jack Russell's have some genetic problems that you would not want to carry into a new litter. Eye problems and hearing problems at least. These can be very severe and painful if the dog has them. Reputable breeders do their very best to stop any breeding that would pass this on to new generations.I would recommend that you just love the dog you have with the prick ears and follow thru with your decision not to breed. If you choose to get a breeding quality puppy, research research research your breeders. I would highly recommend getting in touch with a JRTCA (Jack Russell Terrier Club of America) breeder. But I'm sure your puppy is adorable and loving. You will have a buddy for life. None of us are perfect. Good luck with your puppy. Send us pictures.


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