House Breaking My Pup from a Kennel

by Dawn
(Upton, MA, USA)

Hello I just got a Jack Russell and she is only 10 weeks old. I am having a hard time housebreaking her. She came from a place where she did her business in her kennel (pet store). Anyway she is not going in her kennel at night and seems to be interested in doing everything but when we go outside. Any suggestions?

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Oct 28, 2008
House Breaking Puppy
by: Anonymous

I have a small puppy and the noise from her screaming was making it very hard.

A friend suggested putting a ticking clock by her kennel and a pillowcase by it, the puppy would think her mother was there, the beating of mothers heart. Within 3 minutes my puppy quieted down and went to take a nap.

Don't leave pup for more than 4 hours at a time, to avoid water mess I suggest a rabbit water feeding canteen for crate so she/he can lick the water instead of her blanket getting wet, plus a small treat. I say leave 2 hour intervals for potty breaks until his/her bladder gets stronger.

Jul 29, 2008
What We Are Doing
by: David

I totally concur with you in that the JR does what s/he wants to do when they want to do it but what I have definitely seen as an amazing transfer of control and that was after watching "dog whisperer": it really does work. I started showing Eddie who is boss and he was really miffed last night but this morning he acted like the subordinate for the first time in his two years life. That was after only 15 mins of controlled walking with a tight leash. Now what does that have to do with your dog's potty training? I say everything! We allowed Eddie freedom of control for a long time and the only thing we did was paper train him. i.e. put newspapers down in the kitchen. He learned how to use them very very quickly. No problems after that. Now that we have moved to a house with a garden he has taken time to adjust but now he does his business always outside. I guess what ı am trying to say is give him/her freedom until you gain absolute trust from them as their care giver then show them who is boss. That has worked for us in any case and I have yet to meet anyone as cool as Ed.

Jul 28, 2008
by: Mary=Harborview JRTs

Hi Dawn,

You have to make sure she knows that it is potty time not playtime. Go to Petsmart and ask to purchase an "exercise pen" or x-pen. Put it up just outside your door and when you take her out for potty call, put her in it. She stays there until she does her potty, then she can play. Praise her when she goes and make sure you are taking her outside almost every hour. Set her up for success.

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