Gayle Smillie

We want to know why a jack Russell stands with a paw elevated off the ground.

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Jan 18, 2011
by: |Spikes mom

My 2 year old Jack has always stood on 3 legs with his right paw raised...the vet said it's just his personality and that Spike is just making sure he is "at the ready", lol. Then again, my little man likes to pose

Sep 15, 2010
Raised Paw.
by: Ladyjack.

I don't know why some JRT's do tend to hop on three legs when walking, but many do, but if your dog is standing with one paw raised I would get a vet to check the paw out, it could be a small bone broken or a grass seed in the pad, which can cause problems,so please have this checked, I am sure others will give you more answers and advice.

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