Extreme Agitation

by Gwen

Our dog gets overly excited tongue hangs out he has a strong odor and he paws and digs at people and things in the house. These episodes last for about an hour and then he returns to his normal ten year old self. They happen every few days any ideas?

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Jun 10, 2008
Extreme Agitation

Please consult your vet. This could be and sounds like to me a mild form of a seizure. Seizure come in many levels and can go undetected until they escalate to dangerous levels and life threatening. CALL YOUR VET AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT ASAP!

May 13, 2008
Extreme Agitation
by: Laurie Ann Powell

I was just wondering if your dog gets enough exercise during the day. Our Jack will get overly agitated and full of energy, if we don't let her get out and run it off. I don't really know if it could be anything medical, but if it continues, I would definitely let the vet take a look. Make sure your pet is hydrated, not only during the summer months, but all the time. Keep the shots and vaccinations up to date.

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