
I have a jack Russell miniature who is keeping me busy filling holes in the garden.

I am looking for hints/solutions to curtail or stop this please

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Dec 02, 2009
give them their own place to dig
by: Anonymous

i have a jack. you need to give them a nice area of their own to dig. go out and keep burying their favorite outdoor toy in that same area. and they will stop destryoing the rest of your yard. works like a charm. as for the poop thing, yes that will work. however it will NOT stop them from diggin in other locations.
keep practicing in one area with your jack and he will love it and live by it.

Jul 27, 2009
Diggity Dog
by: dlyncottn

OK, as crazy as this is gonna sound...IT WORKS!!! We had tunnels all the way from Texas to China in our back yard and something had to give. Our trainer told us to place some of the dog's poop in each hole. They will not return to that hole if it has their poop in it. I swear it worked like a charm. Each time I found a new hole, I went "poo hunting" and put it in the hole. Not only did it work, but it worked FAST!!! He was 6 months old when we had the "holy" yard and after the first 2 or 3 times of exercising this method, he was cured. He is now 9 years old and completely "dig" free.

Jul 26, 2009
by: KT

they are really smart so buy or build a sandbox and hide their toys in the sand that will keep them busy and when ur playing in the house hide the toys and tell them "find it " or "wheres you toy"

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