Determining Jack Russell Coat Type

by Rick Beilfuss
(Huntsville, AR)

Reader Question: How do you tell what kind of coat a puppy will end up having?

A local breeder has her first litter due this week out of a rough coat female and a short hair male. What are the odds of broken coat puppies?

Veterinarian Answers Reader Question Regarding Prediction Of Puppy Coat


I can’t say exactly when your pups will lose their “puppy fur” and start to grow in their adult coats, but it seems like the process usually starts around 3-4 months of age and continues for a few months until their fur looks almost like it will as an adult.

I suspect that when your pups are around 6 to 7 months old, you’ll have a fairly good idea of what type of coat they’ll have when they are all grown up.

Jennifer Coates, DVM

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