Congenital Megaesophagus

Hi There,

I have got a 3 month old long legged jack russell puppy, after having him for a few days we noticed he was regurgitating his food a lot, very worried so took him to the vets, they diagnosed it as Congenital Megaesophagus (a floppy esophagus) this means his food goes straight to his stomach so he regurgitates it. He seems to have good days and bad days but not sure if he's suffering, the vet says he's fine apart from that but wonder if we could do more to make him a bit more comfortable. Can anyone help? and give me some pointers on managing it?


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Mar 08, 2011
Congenital Megaesophagus Blog
by: Anonymous

Some good info and success story info here:

Mar 08, 2011
Canine Megaesophagus Blog
by: Anonymous

Feb 06, 2011
JR puppy with Megaesophagus
by: Claire

Hello there,
We have a Jack Russell named Tilly who was diagnosed with Megaesophagus at 3 months old, she was seriously ill with aspiration pneumonia when we got her. We now feed her a liquidised diet from an elevated position and hold her vertically for 5 minutes after eating so that gravity can do the job of the oseophagus muscles. She's 6 months old now and thriving. Our problem at present is finding the best way to train her without the treats a normal puppy would have, we're currently using dabs of honey but i worry that this will damage her teeth, any ideas anyone??

Sep 05, 2010
help with Megaesophagus
by: Anonymous

I have a little Chihuahus with the same thing and when we feed her we have to hold her up when she eats and we have to hold her up for 20min after she is done this a great job for her

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