Belly Spots

Recently my female JRT started developing dark spots on her belly and down the insides of her legs. Is this normal and why does it happen?

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Oct 24, 2009
It is called Ticking...
by: Laurie Ann Powell

Hi, and that is a good question. Same thing happened with the both of my Jacks, Chasie and Chloe. The spots that develop, are called ticking. It is common in Jacks, and lots of other breeds, as well. It is in their genetics. Our Chloe, has ticking, or freckles, as I call them, under her arm in the shape of a butterfly. See if you can find any shapes on your dog, as well. My nieces dog, Tucker, has a smiley face on his lower side, when they shave his hair. So, nothing to worry about. Just like Dalmations, and some hunting dogs, the ticking is just in the coloring, and does develop as the dog gets older. Have fun with your dog...

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