An Inspiring Jack Russell Rescue Success Story

by Deborah L White-Seligman
(Sarasota Florida U.S.A.)

I rescued Patchie back in Nov of 2011 and he came to me from Miami. He was in a high kill shelter in Miami and the woman Ellis that pulled him out of that nasty shelter saved him first.Patchie had a fractured pelvis and hip and Ellis brought him to her vet and had him fixed. For 4 months he was in a crate because of his injuries.

Patch got all well and I went onto the Jack Russell rescue page and seen his picture and just fell in love immediately. We emailed back and forth and I knew he was going to be mine and she brought him to me in Sarasota Florida in November. I also have another Jack Russell named Elvis who I saved about 3 years ago and Elvis will be 5 on May 1st.

Anyway to make the long story short Ellis broughtPatchie to me and I did not know how Elvis would except Patchie, so we went for a walk to get Elvis out of his territory and everything was great and fine and then we brought them both into my backyard and they played and played and Elvis is my Alpha male and Patchie is very submissive. Thank god and we have had our ups and our down but now they are perfect brother in everyway!

I just wanted to share my story about my 2 boys Elvis and Patchie. They are my world and mean everything to me always I do not know what I would do without them both.

Thanks for reading this

Deborah White-Seligman in Sarasota Florida

Hello Deborah,

What a beautiful story; thank you for sharing! I hope that many people will read it and be inspired to take a rescue dog (or two) into their homes and hearts. Rescues can make extraordinary companions. In many cases, I believe they truly understand what the people in their lives have done for them and want nothing more than to say “thank you” for the rest of their days.

Best regards,

Jennifer Coates, DVM

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