3 month old Jack Russell mix symptoms

by april
(west virginia)

We've had our new puppy about 1 1/2 wks and we're attached to her. Since we've never owned a small breed we're not sure what things are considered "normal" and what things we should be concerned by. For instance, she's threw up her Puppy Chow a few times and it looks like it hasn't even been chewed. Should I change her food? She did the same thing with a puppy treat.

When she's awake she's very playful but she sleeps ALOT. Is this normal? We got her from a family friend that said she's been wormed and they gave her 1st set of shots. They buy 7-in-1 from local farm store and her Mother (a nurse) gives them.

As much as we love and want to make sure she's a healthy puppy that lives a long life we can't afford vet visits. Is there anywhere I can find what vaccines, pills, etc. she's supposed to have at certain times so I can make sure she stays up to date on everything?

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Apr 19, 2012
Jack Russell mix symptoms NEW
by: Anonymous

Fortunately, we figured everything out and our baby girl is thriving. She is sensitive to certain foods and we watch her little ears and feet pretty close (she's had yeast infections, etc.) but overall she's a happy healthy girl!

Apr 19, 2012
Sensitive stomach? NEW
by: Anne

When my now four year old JRT was young, he threw up his food a lot too. I think it's normal for the food to be unchewed; his certainly was! At the recommendation of our vet we tried a few different brands of food until we found one that he could keep down. He still has a sensitive stomach and will throw up if he eats the wrong thing. An interesting side note that may or may not be related is that he is allergic to poultry-- it makes him itchy, especially around the eyes.

I think the sleeping is also normal.

Apr 19, 2012
Sensitive stomach? NEW
by: Anne

When my now four year old JRT was young, he threw up his food a lot too. I think it's normal for the food to be unchewed; his certainly was! At the recommendation of our vet we tried a few different brands of food until we found one that he could keep down. He still has a sensitive stomach and will throw up if he eats the wrong thing. An interesting side note that may or may not be related is that he is allergic to poultry-- it makes him itchy, especially around the eyes.

Jun 28, 2011
For your puppy
by: Eva Haberlova

Hi, You have puppy JRT and go ahead to visit at veterian hospital get vaccine,pills for your Puppy. If you cant afford to paid. Dont worry go ahead visit at vet. hospital and tell them paid monthly payments. They acceptable. I did too. Take care of your loving JRT puppies.
Please protect them. get new dogbed for 10 dollar in Dollar store,toys. Save money. Dont buy dogfood in dollar store. Good puppy dog food is hill diet Science.

God bleesing you

Eva with my JRT 7 months

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