Sudden Loss

by Gerard Preshur
(Lisburn NI)

Hi my wee jack passed away yesterday, her name was molly and she was only 6 years old, is that normal? I am ,

crying as i write this, she became ill for only a week, the vet said she had liver cancer, she upset eating for a week, can this happen so quickly?

I miss her, she was my life and my first dog.
I am a man in his 40, and have no idea how to cope, falling apart.
Please help.
Gerard Preshur, 39 llewellyn avenue lisburn co antrim, BT274AG.

Thank You.

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Jan 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

I can feel your pain, my jtr is also Molly , she is 12 yrs and she is my little girl, ;she sleeps in my room in my recliner, she is so sweet, but I know that the day will come when I must part with her and I dread it so much. I think life without a jtr is so sad. I hope you will get another jack in order to fill that broken heart of yours, they will make you smile again and you will never forget your Molly, but you have alot of love to give and somewhere there is a little jtr waiting for your love !!
May God Bless you.

Apr 27, 2010
Feel better
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry about what happened to your Molly-but you need to find comfort where you can--celebrate Mollys life by making a donation to a shelter or helping other animals that need help in her honor or memory she would like that I know and it will make you feel better also--Take comfort in the fact that you gave Molly a good life and love --If she had not had you she might not have had such a good life--Some day when you are ready you can adopt another family member to love and care for like you did Molly. Just feel blessed you had her at all.

Nov 30, 2009
Peace to you.
by: Laura

Sorry, for your great loss.I believe she will be waiting for you in heaven.I'm a christian and I believe God is very capable of giving her back to you.(He gives us the desires of our hearts)Amen! Take Care, Peace...Laura p.s I have a little guy named Tazzy- Jack Too.. he's really in my heart in a bad way.

Apr 18, 2009
Sorry about your Molly
by: Anonymous

Hello, I was in shock reading about your Molly. My little jack got run over by a car 3 weeks ago and her name was also Molly. I named her Molly because she would dig Moles out of the ground.I loved that dog so much. I have lost family members before,but I greived more when I lost my Molly,I cried like a baby for a week.I think the best thing to do is to get another one.They are wonderful dogs and surely a best friend. Again I am so sorry about your loss, and wish you the best.

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