Stone Fascination

by Niki Herlihy
(Bulgaria, Ex UK)

Crazy Dog

Crazy Dog


My JRT is 6 years only had him 3 weeks great dog, but why is he fascinated in digging up STONES for me to throw and he too retrieve? We live on the coast he loves diving in the sea to retrieve them from sea bed but wont go out of his depth, salty sea water does not seem to bother him. I understand it's his rabbiting issues, but what does he think he is achieving from this? He will fetch 200 stones non stop if I let him!



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Sep 18, 2009
digging rocks
by: Anonymous

my b/f's jack r also digs up rocks he will do it constantly too and he wants u to throw them to him and he wants u to throw the one he gave you, he just stares and waits and doesn't move until you throw we have tried to divert his attention but it doesn't work he will go after the same rock over and over again, trying to break him of it seems to be working now we tell him no rocks drop it and he does and we hand him a toy :) but he loves to play non stop!!

Sep 19, 2008
Stone Fascination
by: Meme24

I also have a Jack Russell, Macy is 3 years old and will make her nose bleed while trying to dig up a rock, especially in a mud hole. We timed her one day just to see if we could wear her out and she fetched a stick for 3 hours straight and only stopped occasionally to get a drink. When she did get a drink she would take the stick and put it in her water bowl and then bring it right back for us to through.

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