
by shell

hi i have a female 11week jrt, who is paper trained and as started to go outside to use the toilet too but obviously we still have the occasional accident, however the last week she as started to pee on both myself and now my boyfriend too, why is this? is this something that needs to be corrected with training or will she just grow out of it? im confused and frustrated, we have been very lucky so far and this is really the only problem we have had, so shouldn't complain. we noticed that she did it at first when excited around strangers so just put it down to this, so just put her straight on the paper and tried not to make a big fuss about it but now she does it even when in a calm state, she literally "ask's for a fuss then climbs up on to your knee/leg and pee's.

any help or advice would be greatful thanks

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Nov 13, 2009
Pack Leader Needed!
by: Anonymous

Sounds like your dog has taken over responsibility for the "pack". You should know that Jack Russells need leadership by their owner. Terriers are willful if you let them be. Your dog should be relieving itself outdoors and it should be spade or neutered. You need to be in charge and that doesn't mean being nasty, just be assertive and demand the dog does as you say. Puppies need to be taken out frequently to urinate and you should put up the water during the night. Train the dog to a crate.

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