question on bitting

by Carol
(wakefield NH)

my jack russel is almost 10 yrs old, he has started peeing on the kitchen floor etc. we have tried to put him outside, but when it's raining he will pee any where he wants, also he has started growling at me lately , we bought him at 8 weeks old, he has been a joy all these years and we love him so very much, but last night I was patting him and talking to him , all of the sudden he bit the blood out of me , on my hand, it bleed for 1/2 hr and really hurt !!! the vet told me he may be having seizures cause he will stop and his mouth will chatter and he won't move for a couple of minutes,she thinks it may be a brain tumor...I know my boy is spoiled, he sleeps with his daddy(not me) and will growl when someone moves....the biting really scares me....what can I do????? I can't bare the thought of putting me down.....:(

please help !!!!

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