My Jack Russells leg

My Jack Russell is 6 years old. This has happened about 5 times in the last 2 years. She will be walk fast or running and her back left leg will raise up and she stops herself and has to wait a minute until she gets in back down to the ground. It only last about 3 seconds. She doesn't cry or seem to be in any pain. It to me looks like it gets dislocated or something. Could this be a cramp? or more serious? Thanks so much for your help.

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Jul 21, 2014
Not uncommon in small terriers NEW
by: Anonymous

The patella is locking up. Medial patellar dislocation.

Jul 21, 2014
Not uncommon in small terriers NEW
by: Anonymous

The patella is locking up. Medial patellar dislocation.

Oct 20, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

Since this is not happening very often, I too like you, believe this might be a small cramp that your 6 year old JRT is having. Have you ever checked the leg to see if there is anything visibly different then the others? If your poochie ever has to stop and sit down, then begins tugging at the site on the leg, I would then take him in for a VET check. They do x-rays, so they would be able to see what's going on inside. Some JRT's, starting around five years old, will begin to show some problems, but nothing that can't be addressed or fixed.
Have a great day and keep on loving that poochie of yours!
Stef, Belgium, JRT LOVER from Texas!

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