My Jack russell terrier Mix dog named diesel..

by Cathy
(Hamilton Ontario Canada)

Recently my niece got another dog,a Boston Terrier 8 months old...Diesel(who was my neice's dog til I bought him from her))doesn't get along with Roco the boston terrier..I have to keep diesel in a cage because of his not getting along with the other dog...Diesel sees the need to become very agitated & has attacked Roco twice...Diesel was abused by his former owner... What I want to know is because of diesel being abused would this cause him to become mean & attack anyone? I'm afraid he will end up hurting or killing another dog or Roco will kill him if he attacks him again...I need as much information to determined whether I should have him "put down" or not... I thought all Jack Russell Terriers got along with all dogs...

Please HELP!!!

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Aug 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

My tiny JR bitch gets along with most dogs unless they show aggression towards her then it's all on. Tends to be the small dogs that show her aggression. Your terrier wants to be the pack leader in your household. I would suggest you check out.
Good luck. Abused dogs may mean more training but by nature all dogs want to please and be part of your pack.

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