mr. hartley

by john

I have a 14 year old over weight terrier with a bathroom on the floor problem? how much should she eat and should I lock her up when I'm not around ?

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Sep 01, 2010
Has she ever been potty trained and ...
by: ScooterMama59

Dear Sir,
My first question would be to ask you if she has EVER been potty trained? If yes, then her age could be in question. Please take her to the VET and they can help you with her bladder issues. Yes, her being overweight will cause her to have bladder problems. Give her warm green beans with nothing on them (canned) instead of any table scraps or food for her treats. She will lost weight quickly with the green beans and a little walking for exercise. Also, a small sized baby diaper with a hole cut for the tail(can find how to do this on YouTube) will work great for her accident. Take them off to take her out to empty her bladder when you can.
GOD bless you and your precious JRT!

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