
My jack Russel crys non stop when i leave her at home alone, will a companion help the situation?

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Oct 14, 2010
JRT'S need a friend and ...
by: ScooterMama59

Sorry I missed your question. I was vacating in Germany at the Hospital (HAHAHA)!
Well, I would definetly recommend a friend for your JRT. They are much happier when you leave them alone together. For a female I would suggest you NOT get another female, they fight and can hurt each other. Very rarely can you have another female unless they are raised together from the beginning as puppies and than it's a chance because sometimes as they get older they might turn on each other.
For a male I would suggest a female that is younger. Get them BOTH fixed if you are not going to breed.
GOD bless and enjoy that JRT.
Stef, Belgium

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