JRT shaking

by Jen

I have a year half JRT and he tends to shake alot, I was wondering if this is a normal thing with this breed or should I have him brought into the vet to be checked out?

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Aug 11, 2011
my jack russell is 10 and shakes more then ever
by: Anonymous

I looked up the possible reasons on this websie and have found it to be a joke. It is no help at all.

Aug 11, 2011
my jack russell is 10 and shakes more then ever
by: Anonymous

I looked up the possible reasons on this websie and have found it to be a joke. It is no help at all.

Feb 17, 2010
My JRT does the same
by: Anonymous

Hi, i have the same problem, i have a four-year-old JRT named Buster and he tends to shake quite a lot, espcially when he knows he's going for a walk and when he sees a cat, i think there's nothing to worry about, really.

Jan 07, 2010
JRT Shaking
by: Kelly

My Jack, Duffy shakes or has body/leg tremors all the time now. I am researching it and very concerned. I'm trying to find out if this is normal too. He's 10 years old. I'm preparing to take him in to the vet soon. Anyone heard of this?

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