How to get my dog to stop growling?

How do you get your Jack Russell Terrier to stop growling?

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Oct 16, 2009
My dog growls
by: Anonymous

My 2 year old dog recently started growling at me when i try to get him out of my 20 year old sons room.He also growls at my grandson who is 1 years old. why is he growling?

Oct 16, 2009
My dog growls
by: Anonymous

My 2 year old dog recently started growling at me when i try to get him out of my 20 year opld sons room.He also growls at my grandson who is 1 years old. why is he growling?

Jan 12, 2009
Answer to Growling Dog
by: Jonathan

Dogs use growling, barking and various degrees of biting from minor to severe to communicate and to them life is all about dominance, possession, subservience and observance of this order. Getting a dog to stop growling is like trying to get humans to stop talking. Your dog will growl if he doesn't like something or if he feels threatened and is trying to assert himself. Try to stop thinking like a human and look at life from your dogs point of view. What is he growling at? Is it a threat? Jack Russell's in particular will often try to be the dominant dog in any situation regardless of their small size.

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