How do keep my JRT from chewing stuffed animals?

by Ashlee Belcher
(Groton Connecticut)

We are expecting a baby girl soon and I have a bench that has stuffed animals on it that is in the nursery. Every time I look away from her room for a minute he steals a stuffed animal and eats it... is there anyway I can teach him which ones are his toys and which ones are our daughters?

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Jan 11, 2011
by: ScooterMama

I have a stuffed animal "chewer" too. She now has her own basket of toys that are just for her. I try to give her toys that she will not chew up and I watch her when she is chewing one.

I tell her that she can "chew it, but not eat it". It took about 2 weeks to get that into her pretty little head.
I also buy her medium to large plastic balls that she can not destroy. She still gets her fun and a little chewing, but she cannot destroy them. You can bake your own chews or buy some all natural ones, pig ears and lambie chews for your boy. They will give him more bang for his chewing.
With your poochie, I would probably get him off of the stuffies and let him have stronger chew toys, but watch him when he does.

Also, you'll need to put the baby stuffies up and out of his way. Baby can play with them, but only while your watching. Just think of it as your having 2 babies in the house. He takes them because he likes them.
You could also buy him some doggie stuffies, but he needs to know that he can't destroy or eat them. My girl loves the toys with the squeakies in them, but some of the JRT's don't.

Hope this helps and let me know how it goes.
Stef, Belgium, TEXAN JRT LOVER!

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