Fairly new owner of a Jack.(JRT) Needing direction

by DeniseKonicki
(Meridian, Ida, USA)

OK, fairly new at this part. She is JRT 1 1 1/2 Years took her on to save her going to the streets. OK, now she's not fixed so I would like to have her at least one litter, I'v done this part before and think I am up to it. Two Problems, She is purebred, or that greatest con I've ever seen. Someone told me about getting a ckc license instead, equaling less money of course, but just the same may make out ok, plus she will have had one, which I think every bitch should, oops I know alot of us feel different, but this is me. Any advise on the registration, where do I go to start it. After that then I will proceed to the next step

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Jan 25, 2010
Please rethink
by: Anonymous

First off, you can not register a dog without a pedigree from the breeder anywhere. Secondly if you really want to breed do your reseach on the breed, attend shows and trails, and talk to other breeders. When you are ready purchase a dog that is worthy of breeding (perfect conformation, working insitincts, etc) from a reputable breeder (about $1000). Have the puppy BAER and PLL tested and then at 1 year CERF the. Do not breed any female under 2yrs of age.

Do not, for any reason, breed this dog you have currently. she is a stray, with a questionable pedigree, and her brother and sisters probably died a horrible death because some other irresponible person descided they would like to breed thier "pet'. THERE IS NEVER ANY GOOD REASON TO BREED A DOG THAT DOES NOT HAVE A SHOW AND FIELD RECORD, EVER. I can not stress tihs enough. Breeding your pet makes you a backyard or hobby breeder and in the eyes of rescue agencies and any real breeders you are in the same categorie as a puppy mill.

Nov 02, 2009
Having babies will not help anyone, and not her
by: Anonymous

Having a litter is not going to do her any good. The more times she goes through heat, the more her chances of getting cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer.

My biggest concern is that there will be puppies that will need homes. Did you know that because of the economic recession, more dogs and cats are being euthanized than in many, many years past? The shelters are just packed full, so they can't accept more. Every purebreed or non purebreed dog that is born is displacing one dog that is looking for a home in a shelter. You should be using your dog's story of being rescued to help other dogs get rescued, not making the problem worse by making more puppies.

Also, there is no such thing as a purebreed Jack Russell Terrier in the United States. This is because they were bred to be good hunters, not for specific physical traits. They are considered a type, not a breed. The similar Parson Russell Terrier is an AKC registered breed, but you would need papers from the breeder certifying that she is from a genuine pedigree.

I know doesn't answer your question, but please consider it. Plus, unless you do it full time and have really well pedigreed dogs, you probably wont make any money after the vaccinations, vet visits, food, etc. Also, most people are not dishing out as much to buy dogs as they have in years past.

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