Digging in Flower Bed

How can I stop my Jack from digging in my flower beds. I bought him a baby pool with play sand to dig & lay in but he likes to be in the front of the house in my flowers.

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Jun 14, 2009
You can stop the digging in certain spots
by: Anonymous

I received a tip from my landscaper and it does work...if you choose to try it in the flower bed.

Put doggy poo in there. I know the digging won't stop, but I didn't want man holes just off of my porch so I put the dogs poo in the holes and she has not gone back. She has made new holes nearby, but will not return to the previous holes.

Jun 12, 2009
by: mary

Oh sweetie you can't stop him, that's in the breed to dig for quarry. Unless you fence off the flower bed so he can't get to it. fence or forget the flower bed. I'ts the nature of the breed, you should see my yard, the moon is smoother.

Jun 12, 2009
by: mary

Oh sweetie you can't stop him, that's in the breed to dig for quarry. Unless you fence off the flower bed so he can't get to it. fence or forget the flower bed. I'ts the nature of the breed, you should see my yard, the moon is smoother.

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