Barking out of Control

by Audrey
(Dublin, Ireland)

Hi, I have a JRT perfect little dog. He is so well behaved however, lately every night (only at night) and it seems to be as soon as my head hits the pillow, he starts barking totally out of control. He just sits at our back door barking to get in and even in the cold weather recently he still did it. I'm worried as even though if i go down and tell him to stop which he usually will after a while, he wont go to his kennel. I'm finding him asleep curled up on the ground at the back door???

I just find it very strange for him to start doing this all of a sudden and why isn't he using his brain and sleeping in his kennel! I feel so sorry for him :(

I need help as I'm soooooooooooooo tired it's going on about 3 weeks now and I'm surprised at this stage my neighbours haven't killed him.

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Feb 16, 2009
He's Lonely
by: Anonymous

Sounds to me like he is lonely and wants to be with you or he is cold at night. Why not just let him sleep inside with you?

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