9 month female JRT change in temperment

by tasha

My 9 months old female JRT Miley has suddenly changed her temperament. She used to be so friendly and chilled but very active. Now all of a sudden she has become really narky. She growls if anyone goes near her sometimes even nipping. She has also started to attack our older dog if she comes near us. We dont know why she is doing this or how to stop it.

Can someone give us some advice please really desperate!!

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Dec 01, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thanks a lot for this it has really worked we have been doin exactly what you said and she has responded brilliantly. Our older dog Amy is really glad of her new found peace. Thanks again!

Nov 28, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

Here we go. First of all, at this age, your JRT has found out that she has a voice -- and she is learning to use it.
She is both jealous and protective and is learning that if she does the barking and the nipping she can alter her environment and YOURS!

First, you have to stop this negative behavior. I would recommend that you give her a firm NO, then place her in her locked kennel box for 3 minutes. After each offense, add one minute.

She will get the message that this is unacceptable behavior. When you take her out, tell her NO barking or nipping (biting). If she proceeds to do it again, then back in the locked kennel box, now for 4 minutes time. It takes about 2 to 3 weeks to correct this behavior, BUT you must act swiftly and consistently when she is biting or barking.

Also, she needs to be walked daily at a park or in your neighborhood around kids, adults and other dogs. This will help her to be social with all the above, but also she will be less likely to be aggressive, which is just a result of being afraid of what she does not know.

The professionals will tell you that it takes 250 folks petting and interacting with your dog to properly socialize them.

Miley is a JRT and she is intelligent,(sometimes too much so), and can change quickly. You sure can't say that about every breed.

Please let me know how this goes or if you need further help.
Stef, Belgium, TEXAN JRT LOVER!

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